거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Strongest Companies in the Coronavirus Stock Market(코로나바이러스 주식시장 최강 기업)

Strongest Companies in the Coronavirus Stock Market(코로나바이러스 주식시장 최강 기업)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Here are the ten strongest companies for both technical chart patterns and fundamental company sales and earnings during the coronavirus pandemic. 여기 Coronavirus 대유..

Why the Stock Market is in a Downtrend(주식시장이 하락세를 보이는 이유)

Why the Stock Market is in a Downtrend(주식시장이 하락세를 보이는 이유)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: This blog post is meant to answer the questions for friends and family that are not as plugged in 플러그를 꽂다)or knowledgeable as traders and seasoned(노련한) investors and wond..

10 Keys to Being A Trader, Not A Gambler:(Gambler가 아닌 A Trader가 되는 10가지 핵심 요소):

10 Keys to Being A Trader, Not A Gambler::(Gambler가 아닌 A Trader가 되는 10가지 핵심 요소): There is a big difference between a trader and a gambler. 장사꾼과 노름꾼은 큰 차이가 있다. Many people think they are traders when they are really just gamblers that could get better odds in Las Vegas betting on the roulette wheel than what they get in the fi..

Top 10 Educational Finance Documentaries on Netflix:(Netflix의 상위 10개 교육 재무 다큐멘터리:)

Top 10 Educational Finance Documentaries on Netflix:(Netflix의 상위 10개 교육 재무 다큐멘터리:) Netflix has enough content that subscribers could never watch it all with additional new content added daily. The best way to get your money’s worth out of Netflix is to filter out what you watch to value your time. While the top ten movies are great for entertainment..

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading:(교역심리를 이해하는 길잡이)

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading:(교역심리를 이해하는 길잡이) The hardest thing about trading is not the math, the method, or the stock picking. It is dealing with the emotions that arise with trading itself along with the ego’s need to be right. From the stress of entering a trade, to the fear of losing the open paper profits that you are holdi..