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The Poor Man’s Covered Call Option Play(가난한 사람의 커버 콜 옵션 플레이 )

The Poor Man’s Covered Call Option Play(가난한 사람의 커버 콜 옵션 플레이 )Posted By: Steve Burnson Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: A ‘Poor Man’s’ Covered Call option play is a way for an option trader to structure a very similar type of risk/reward ratio as an ordinary covered call but with much less capit..

Stock Screener Settings for Top Growth Stocks:(상위 성장 주식의 주식 스크리너 설정 :)

Stock Screener Settings for Top Growth Stocks:(상위 성장 주식의 주식 스크리너 설정 :) One of the best stock screening filters for finding growth stocks are the parameters of the CAN SLIM Investing System that was created by William J. O’Neil. These parameters were quantified by his study of the fundamental company metrics of the largest winning stocks in the h..

10 Bad Habits of Unprofitable Traders:(수익성이 없는 트레이더의 10가지 나쁜 습관:)

10 Bad Habits of Unprofitable Traders:(수익성이 없는 트레이더의 10가지 나쁜 습관:| They trade too much. The edge that small traders have over institutions, is that they can pick trades carefully and only trade the best trends and entries. The less they trade, the more money they make, because being picky gives traders an edge. 그들은 너무 많이 거래한..

A human life can be influenced by what viruses the body interacts with?(인간의 삶은 신체가 어떤 바이러스와 상호작용하는가에 의해 영향을

A human life can be influenced by what viruses the body interacts with??? 인간의 삶은 신체가 어떤 바이러스와 상호작용하는가에 의해 영향을 받을 수 있는가? By Lim Jeong-yeo A human life is not only determined by the genomic structure, but also by what types of viruses and microbiomes the body interacts with. 인간의 삶은 게놈 구조뿐만 ..

나의 이야기 2020.03.26